- Volunteer Transport Scheme – Transport scheme available for people who cannot manage on public transport due to age, frailty, illness, disability or injury. Only patients who live in the Maidstone Borough Council area are eligible. There is a charge for this service. If you would like further details or to book a trip, please call 01622 235833. (Monday – Friday 9-4pm)
- Dementia Helpline – 24 hr 0800 888 6678
- GUM Clinic – 01622 225713
- Social Services (direct referral) – 08458 247100
- Carers First, 3 Canterbury Street, Gillingham Kent – 01732 357555
- NHS 111 – 111
- Hospital Transport – 08000 960211 – (Available to book by patients. Please be aware that you will have to satisfy certain criteria in order to be eligible for this service)
- Health Visitors Advice Line (9.30am-12 noon Monday -Friday) 01622 225790
- The Kent Autistic Trust – Maidstone Support Group for Carers/parents of children with Asperger syndrome or Autism at The Salvation Army Hall, 74-80 Union Street, Maidstone ME14 1ED10-12am. Further information contact Jo Blamires 01634 405168 ([email protected])
- Foot Health Practitioner – professional foot care in the comfort of your own home. Call Sarah: 07834 454537